James 5:15
And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
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posted by: Markus Eronen on 7/23/2024

Pray for me wisdom and courage to step out in faith serving God. Pray for guidance and strength to obey.
I will pray  
posted by: anonymous on 7/22/2024

Please keep Nader in your prayers. Pray that God would continue to refine him so he is ready for what God has called him to do. Pray he would not resist the Holy Spirit and that at the right time, the Lord would elevate him.
I will pray 1 person is praying.
Lord please intervene
posted by: Grace on 7/17/2024

Please pray for God to open my daughter Shaunté's eyes so that she comes to her senses and come home with my grandson,She's involve and have a baby with a Narcissist boyfriend who poisens her against everyone who loves her,She moved out of the house with my 7month old grandson that I love with my entire heart.She and the baby is moved in with him and his family.Father God I'm pleading before you to please intervene and take Control,Father God I'm a mother ,a grandmother who only want the best for my daughter and grandson,And that man has done so much hurtfull things to my daughter, Father God I'm pleading before you to please bring my daughter and grandson home to me,I'm having sleepless nights,Because I know that man is going to destroy my child and my grandson.
I will pray 1 person is praying.
For my mom
posted by: Terri on 7/15/2024

For my Mom, Jeannine, to be healed from all cancer and tumors, and especially for the tumor near her ear to dissolve completely. For all facial swelling and droop to go completely. She is believing for healing. Most of all, for her to be mightily filled with great hope and ENCOURAGEMENT..and JOY!!! And her FIGHT back!! For discouragement to leave and be gone..she miraculously has no pain, but for all energy to be restored and excellent rest at night.
I will pray 1 person is praying.
For joel
posted by: Terri on 7/12/2024

For Joel and his Mom Simone to be healed and greatly strengthened and comforted from a traumatic visit from Joels older brother David, who needs deliverance from drinking. Joel and Simone have opened their lives to Jesus, and Simone wants do much for her son David to also be saved. For the Fathers healing and tender love and mercies for Joel, Simone and David too. And for Simones healing from diverticulitis in intestines
I will pray 2 people are praying.
prayers for mom
posted by: Shannon Coleman on 7/5/2024

Please keep me and my brother Shannon in your prayers . My brother recently got a new Job as a respiratory therpist pray that it goes good for him hes been through alot he deserves this.I am currentlly studing for my boards to become registered as a respiratory therpist Pray that I pass my test .I recently went to seek legal respiration about my mothers premature passing. A lawyer said another doctor would have to look the case over before it could be advanced in our state said it would cost 12,000 dollars . We currrently dont have close to that amount pray that we are able to find someone that will help us figure it out a lawyer that will help us . Pray we make wise decisions pray that wounds heals and we are able to forgive people that has wronged us and my mother. God bless you thank you for your many prayers . Sincerly Shawn Coleman.
I will pray 1 person is praying.
posted by: Jeff Gettler on 5/5/2024

We need a miracle breakthrough financial and healing and deliverance and direction and protection
I will pray 21 people are praying.
Pray for my own income and a car.
posted by: Anonymous on 4/20/2024

Pray for my own income and car and transportation. Pray that my daughter has a better life and doesn't hang around KG, in Jesus's name.
I will pray 23 people are praying.
posted by: Shannon Coleman on 3/31/2024

Please pray about the following:My mom passed away, Please pray God helps us to settle her estate,I work at DollarGeneral I dont have alot of money,they cut my hours at work, I need help with the paperwork lawyers are expensive,schedule, Please pray God sends me someone, Gods protection, my car , pastors,I get higher paying job with good hours and benefits and schedule, my brother, protection over home,health, fiances,friends,acquantices,family,coworkers,job,college, schedules, bills, healthcare , health,neigbors,I think somefolks nearby are fooling with witchcraft, they need prayers, and legal issues ive had going on for 7 plus years we need closure in, job schedule animals.I know this is alot but thank you for praying.
I will pray 21 people are praying.
posted by: Stephanie Denise Merchant on 3/23/2024

I am trying to make myself useful again and he keeps trying to rob me of my birthright. I know this is a struggle for many Christians. I was a pretty good Saint for six months. I'm working back up to it. This Church goer whom is my friend now seems to be struggling too and I don't know why. Can you help us please. We have amazing things happening to and for us. Life is just so busy at times. We definitely are Bible thumpers. Yours truly, Stephanie Dymond
I will pray 15 people are praying.
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