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posted by: Viola Cleo Bradshaw on 1/26/2024

I'd like prayer because: Prayers are requested for healing Viola-Cleo Bradshaw. Healing needs include: depression, sleep disorder, deep sleep, I can't fall asleep due to hearing voices in my space of awareness, and for a broken nose, needs deep peace, and brainstem healing, and lift up Alan Bruce Bradshaw and Cordelia Inge Vogel, heal their minds, heart trouble and family tree. Include in the pastor's daily prayers and on your prayer chain and list for 6 months.
I will pray 31 people are praying.
posted by: Hazel Ivy on 12/17/2023

Please pray for a man named Connor, that he would truly give his whole life to Jesus and serve him all the days of his life. that His family would come to God through his testimony and the anointing on his life would be powerful to set the captives free.
I will pray 30 people are praying.
Prayer for healing
posted by: Darko Irgolič on 11/24/2023

Hi. Please pray for my healing. Thank you. Darko Irgolič
I will pray 19 people are praying.
for Joel and Karen
posted by: Terri B. Beaudry on 10/12/2023

For Joel to be delivered from smoking. He has been completely off of them for 7 days, resisting the cravings as best as he can, for God to help him to no longer have the cravings and to hate cigarettes, and for him to be hungry for God above all else. And for Karen, who Is a believer, to be strengthened and encouraged, to have rest from weariness and healing in her body from physical pain. Thank you so much!
I will pray 15 people are praying.
Demonic Attacks
posted by: Matthew and Lisa Smith on 8/24/2023

My name is Matthew Smith and I have an emergency prayer request that I'd like to submit. Some time ago my wife, Lisa, and I became somewhat involved with an occult group. Ever since then we've been suffering from severe psychic/spiritual attacks in our minds. The pain is unbearable and excruciating! We're stuck in a very desperate situation and need urgent prayer! Please pray that these demonic attacks would completely stop and that these cruel and evil people from the occult group would leave us alone for good! Thank you for your prayers and support.
I will pray 36 people are praying.
Deliverance and healing
posted by: Esther on 7/17/2023

Deliverance snd healing and restoration from rejection
I will pray 18 people are praying.
posted by: Janne on 7/13/2023

Pray for healing in my thyroid, testosterone, skin and stiffness in shoulder, chest and back muscles. Finances so i can buy a car, travel to conferences and missionary work. Power of the Holy Spirit. Strength to preach the gospel and to serve in church. Pray for my marriage and protection for us. Pray for Jenni strength to read the bible, to pray everyday and to resist sin and temptations.
I will pray 16 people are praying.
Prayer request Andy
posted by: andy bauwens on 7/4/2023

please pray for me I am Andy living in Belgium 40 years old. I leave for sea for 16 days and have had 4 difficult months. my parents are divorcing and i live in my parental home.and there was fight every day my mom has a thing with a married man i can't take it anymore. pray that God's peace, presence, and his rest and his protection may be with me when I leave on July 7th to July 23rd as I feel exhausted and depressed and really need to find peace. I will go all alone and hope to meet the lord there so that I may return more powerfully and serve back in my congregation.
I will pray 15 people are praying.
Psychic Attacks
posted by: Matthew Smith on 6/28/2023

I have an emergency prayer request that I’d like to submit. Some time ago I became involved with an occult group with people who were practicing black magic and worshipping demons. Ever since then I’ve been struggling with these severe psychic/spiritual attacks in my mind. The pain can be unbearable at times! Please pray for me urgently so that these psychic/spiritual attacks would completely stop and so that these cruel and evil people from the occult group would leave me alone for good. Right now I’m stuck in a desperate crisis because these violent psychic attacks are completely unbearable! Please pray for me urgently! Thank you so very much for your prayers and support.
I will pray 28 people are praying.
Prayers for restoration
posted by: Derrick mccollum on 6/27/2023

Please keep my husband in prayer his name is Derrick Mccollum he needs deliverance and salvation he has server anger issues and emotional abusive behavior please keep him on the altar in Jesus name also he has backslide he needs to get back in the will of God and repent also prayers for healing in his mind he fights every one and argue with everyone who tries to help him him and his family needs salvation
I will pray 5 people are praying.
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