We commit ourselves to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and to each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.
We commit ourselves under God to care for one another, considering each other’s spiritual, emotional, and physical welfare as important as our own, and to generously make available our prayers, time, financial and other resources.
We commit ourselves to live in a lifestyle of love and service to God with one another through the power of the Holy Ghost and the enabling of God’s grace through faith. To this end, we commit ourselves to actively and faithfully participate in personal pastoral care, celebration, and ongoing life and mission of God’s Word of Deliverance AFC.
We commit ourselves to being loyal to the Lord and to one another especially when under pressure and in times of difficulty.
We commit ourselves to walk in Biblical holiness, so as to not dishonor the Lord, or our covenant family, and to have an active concern for the wholeness and holiness of our brothers and sisters, always respecting each other as a child of God.
We commit ourselves to freely come under the authority of and serve in the ministry of God’s Word of Deliverance AFC in oneness of spirit to the honor and glory of God and for the building of His kingdom by proclaiming the gospel and discipling the nations.